Returning client Rolfing® session change

Sessions last 75 minutes.  Session time includes:

  • check in: reviewing your goals, answering questions, discussing what you've noticed since our last session,
  • assessment: observing you in stillness and in movement while standing, sitting, and lying down,
  • manual therapy: doing hands-on bodywork, 
  • movement re/education: exploring possible movement to further integrate changes from our session and reviewing possible homework, and
  • settling up: processing payment and scheduling if you prefer to do this in person rather than online.  

Select from the following list to add a service to this appointment. cancel

  • First Rolfing® session $210
    If you have received an email from WSR of a available space for you, you are welcome to schedule.  Clients coming for their first session choose this option to receive forms to download, print, complete, and bring with you to your first appointment. 
  • Craniosacral Therapy
    If you have received an email from WSR welcoming you to schedule for Craniosacral Therapy, you are welcome to schedule. 
  • Online self-care session $145
    This is a gentle and effective online option to shift structural patterns and relieve pain and discomfort.
Practitioner: Jeanne Vadnais, Certified Advanced Rolfer® & Rolf Movement® Practitioner